Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sienna Juliane Cicero

Sienna Juliane Cicero graced us with her presence at 5:43pm on December 11th. She flew into the world before I even had my camera ready. I arrived at the hospital about 15 min too late and was greeted by a very excited, emotional new daddy. Greg has always dreamed of becoming a father and for the first time in his life he can now hold his new baby girl and be proud to call himself a daddy. A beautiful mommy sat up in the hospital bed, calm,relieved and relaxed. I couldn't stop but think how perfect she looked for just giving birth. I am a proud aunt to a beautiful niece, and very thankful to have such a great brother in law who has truly embraced being a father and a new sister in law whom I respect and love so much. I have not stopped taking photos of this little angel since the day I saw her. I am posting just a few of my favorites but you know there will be more to follow! Congrats to you both on your new addition.

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